In the window listing incompatible media files, click Convert. Improves compatibility with projects imported from iMovie for iOS. In iMovie choose File > Check Media for Compatibility. On a 7.4GB test directory, Disk Utility created a disk image of 8.55GB, while hdiutil created a disk image of just 7.4GB in one step: hdiutil makehybrid -udf -udf-volume-name foo -o foo.iso /path/to/parent/dir/of/VIDEO_TS (as above, the VIDEO_TS parent directory should not contain anything else). Addresses issues where iMovie does not recognize video cameras connected to your Mac. Once the disk image has been saved, right click it in Finder and select "Burn Disk Image 'foo.cdr' to Disc." → Burn.

Enter desired filename and location for the new disk image → select "DVD/CD master" as the Image Format → Save.Addresses a graphic issue that may occur on iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020. Fixes an issue that could prevent files syncing through iCloud Drive. If the download is not available, remove your old iMovie from the trash, if you dragged it there, and replace it in the applications folder. Resolves an issue where macOS would not automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks. Click on your name at the bottom of the app store side bar to open your purchases folder, where you will see all of your purchases, including iMovie. Select the parent folder of VIDEO_TS (which should not contain anything other than the VIDEO_TS directory) → Choose macOS Catalina 10.15.7 provides important security updates and bug fixes for your Mac.Disk Utility → File → New Image → Image from Folder.The following steps were tested under macOS 10.15.7 and Disk Utility 19.0 (1704):

Yes, it is possible to burn a VIDEO_TS to DVD (that will play in standard DVD players) without the use of any third-party software in Catalina. Is this possible without additional software? A VIDEO_TS folder is what I am looking to burn.
This update also includes bug fixes and other improvements. The update also improves the stability, reliability, and security of your Mac.
I can burn a data DVD on MacOS Catalina but getting a movie DVD burned is escaping me. macOS Catalina 10.15.4 introduces iCloud Drive folder sharing, Screen Time communications limits, Apple Music time-synced lyrics view, and more.